Hello visitors!!So it is about my journey through  the internet.Just like a normal teen I was introduced to the whole new world called internet.

During those days I was a nerd and  was unaware about the adventures the internet holds in it.I was busy crafting a niche in my school's academic scholars list and was  always into my books solving the mysteries of the algebra and the quadratic equations.Lost in the History text imagining the colonial times and imagining myself as one of the many   women freedom fighters taking part in the freedom struggle,demanding equal rights for women.Calling me a feminist wouldn't be wrong.Living in India as a women and born in a middle class family,your struggle for equality  every now and then.Anyways,that happens not only in India but all across the globe.We are the so called weaker sex!So the one thing I can do my whole life without fail is imagining.I would hallucinate myself rebuking those whom I couldn't in reality,living the life which I couldn't in reality and also becoming the most sought after celebrity.
                                          So after being away from the net for such a long period,what brought me to it?Well.., of course my  books.The curriculum had changed.The girl who had just created an email id,only because it was a part of the school project whose marks would be culminating to the  final result,was now surfing the net for hours together to gather the info for her project.That was the time I realized what a deep ocean of information the internet  was.Just a click and the whole world is in front of your face.This encounter left me with all praises of it.I just became a fan.I still wasn't so regular with it,but yes I came back whenever I needed it.And guys it was worth it.It not only introduced me to the whole new world of online learning but also to the glamorous world of fashion,beauty and self improvement.I never had good friends just a  few jealous types only.Call them frenemies if you want.Just Hi and hello types.The internet was my best friend.Whatever I wanted it gave me.Many people feel that internet is a waste of time.Even I was among those once upon a time.But now my mindset has changed.
                                See there are both pros and cons of a thing.It actually depends on you, what you want to explore,the pro or the con.Bad things come quite very  handy, but the good ones are difficult to dig into. Gyaan apart, I was now becoming more well informed ,smarter and had a buddy with me to cater to all my queries.                                                                       

                   I have become a better consumer.All thanks to the e-commerce.The development in the e-commerce sector  has shrunken the world to the size of a pinball.You can now buy a brand through an online shopping site,at the comfort of lounging at your home,which you once imagined to buy if you ever visited that place.All thanks to  those brilliant and innovative ideas that popped out of those smart brains who contributed towards making this human life even more comfy.
                            Basically,the internet makes you smarter.But all should go hand in hand.Your studies,your fitness,your sleep should also be given a time slot.
                                 All in all,blogging excited me .Isn't  it so fabulous ,you just get to distribute your messages to all the folks out there living on the globe,by just sitting at your home at some tiny corner of the world.You not only learn to better  express yourself,but also get to make friends from throughout the world.
                                 I still study the same way .I dream ,I imagine,at times hallucinate and Blogger is my microphone through which I share with you guys all this.But now I am smarter.
   These were the small changes the internet had brought to my life.
           Now,I want you guys to tell me how had the internet changed you,positively and made you a better person.I am always here to discuss with you all these tiny aspects of life.              
                And yeah ,thanks for stopping by!


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