Hey guys!!How are you all doing?
Life is a mock-tail of happiness and grief,ups and downs,smiles and tears and the highs and lows.
Couldn't meet your project's deadline?Couldn't do well with your presentation?Failed your exam?Had a fight with your spouse?Feeling like a vegetable in life?Feeling low and thinking life's miserable?HOLD ON!!

Today I am gonna tell you how to cheer yourself up?How to gulp down the mock-tail,life presents to you mixing out all of  the above cited ingredients?

1) LISTEN TO SOME MUSIC-  Yes guys,chose your favorite playlist and let yourself  flow with the music notes.Scientific studies have mentioned the potential benefits of music.Listening to music can help improve self esteem and relieve stress.Thus this one comes as a handy candy solution to the lows.

2)TRY PRAYER POWER-  This one actually works.I try it all the time.Just sit in silence.Close your eyes,steady your breathing and pray.Pray from your heart for real prayer is not by lips,not by set words.It comes from the heart,and the heart knows the eloquence of silence.Pray for solutions and you will get them.Trust me.
Want to learn more about it?Then  read"POWER OF POSITIVE THINKING"by Norman Vincent Peale.This one was the book which I read and could bring some positivity in me.
Also studies have proved that spiritual people are less likely to succumb to the hardships of life when compared to their counterparts.

3)FORCE YOURSELF A SMILE-  Just smile to yourself guys.Wider the smile,the better you feel.Got a beautiful teeth set?Then show them off.As your  smile becomes more broad ,your  low feeling will keep shrinking. It works guys,I have tried it.

4) HOLD ON TO FAITH- Lost faith in yourself? Wanna revive it?Then build your faith in GOD.He will take care of your problems.Just leave all  your worries to Him.If we live in His will and if we are grateful for whatever He has given us, then we feel extremely happy and light.

5) TRY HUMMING YOUR FAVORITE SONG AND GROOVE ON IT-  Got a fav song?Then why hesitate.Sing it loud guys.I always do it when I feel low.It relaxes me and lifts my mood up.And while singing out loud,don't shy away to shake your bootiya baby.The rush of endorphins will definitely lift you up.

6) GET A WALK IN THE FRESH AIR-  The nature is the best healer.Put on your shoes and tread the path to feeling awesome.As the air molecules hit you , you will feel fresh,This  definitely gonna lift you up.

7) SCRIBBLE IT DOWN-   All you need is a pen and a paper pad.Write all that comes to  your mind.Put every thought, every emotion on the paper then crumple it and throw it as far as you can.Along with that ball of paper,goes away the griefs and your reasons for feeling low.

8) TRY SELF TALK AND CRY YOUR HEART OUT-  Talk to yourself. Let the emotions emerge from the dark corners of your heart.Let them get back to the universe.Don't shy away from crying.Let it be loud.Those who cry are not weak.They emerge out even stronger .And see how better,how stronger you feel.

9) COOK YOUR FAV HEALTHY MEAL-  Alright you are feeling low and stressed.But that ain't a reason for you to binge eat junk.Instead try making something healthy from scratch.Focus on the motions of the knife.Get involved in the whole process.Let the aroma spread through your olfactory cells and rejoice you.

10) PAMPER YOURSELF, DO WHAT YOU LOVE- Take a shower or a long rejuvenating dip in the bath tub.This one's gonna make you feel very confident about yourself.Or if you love to paint or craft something,go ahead baby,this one's gonna help for sure.

A great saint had once said-"There is no problem in the world that a sound sleep and a hearty laughter cannot solve.
Sleep your way to glory and when you wake up, you will definitely feel better.Sleeping soothes your body,and thereby you feel relaxed.
Laughter is the best medicine.Surf through some fun stuff or read good jokes.Laugh your heart out.Just distract yourself from those low thoughts and feelings and you would feel the happiness dissolving in your nerve.

                                       Hope you will try them when you feel low .
                                       Don't forget to comment below and let me know.


  1. This is really very important for everyone for happy life :)

    1. Yes,Angela😀.Thanks for stopping by.

    2. Don't forget to follow my blog.☺

  2. Yes I agree swati rs n Angela,it's very very important to be happy so that life becomes happy n joyful or else panic n sorrow.....

  3. Yes I agree swati rs n Angelina, it's very impt to be happy to carry on with our life

    1. Thanks for commenting.keep coming back😀

  4. Great article swati rs...we all need a boost coz we get stuck into such situations from time to time��


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