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Hello guys! How are you all doing?We all love reading books.Ernst Hemingway has rightly said -"There is no friend as loyal as a book". That is so apt a saying. Isn't it?Good books have filled up most of that lonely gap in my life.I always cherished the company of a book.
I always loved the idea of being lost in another world,living the lives of the characters , shedding a tear or two and cracking a laughter out,while reading a book.

I just finished reading this masterpiece by Agatha Christie.Got it as an e-book.If you guys don't know, let me tell you,she is my favorite author in the crime   and thriller game.If you haven' t read an Agatha Christie  book before,let me tell you ,she writes those murder mysteries,detective stories,which not only holds your breath till the end but also makes your heart skip several beats.I would definitely call her " QUEEN OF MURDERS". So let's quickly get to the book review.

This story is set in the northern France in a countryside town Merlinville. It revolves around Mr. Renauld, a millionare .He sends a letter to Hercule Poirot, who is a famous Belgian detective, asking him to come there and protect him for his life is in danger.And our little detective, Hercule Poirot  sets there with his friend Captain Hastings,to investigate the matter.
The later story revolves around investigating the murder of Mr. Renauld. Yes,he has been really murdered,our little Poirot is dissappointed to hell.But his little grey cells,as he calls them are all at work.
The murder committed at 2 am ,while Mrs. Renauld tied up and Mr. Renauld  threatned to give the secret to them.A door  left open at night.A female visitor for Mr. Renauld as described by the servant maid, before the ordeal.A secret letter by a name Bella and a torn piece of cheque on the name of Duveen. All  these are the clues and information Poirot has in his hands. Then this mysterious Madame  Dauberevil and her goddess like daughter Marthe, neighbours of Mr. Renauld with whom he is rumoured in the town to have a fling.A blackmail from Madame Dauberevil  to Mr. Renauld. Transfer of huge bucks in her account.
A detective Mr.Giraud , who is high headed , unaware  of the power of Poirot's grey cells.He is determined to find the murderer  with his Modern Methods. Mr. Jack Renauld,son of the late Mr. Renauld, who is suspected for the murder because of a furious fight with his father on the subject of marrying Marthe. Refusal of his dad and threat for exempting him from his will.
Then our simple and straight Hastings, meets the love of his life , Cindrella, a stage performer, who is somewhere connected to the murder.And this was not  less that there is another murder in Merlinville. These are the points the entire story revolves around.
Mrs. Christie does an expert job in this book. It's amazing to see how she lets our imaginations wander and how the story builds up.And as usual our protagonist , the Belgian detective,Hercule Poirot leaves no stone unturned  to  impress.The impatient Hastings,his friend ,is a stark contrast to Poirot.It's fascinating to read , how  the author makes every guess  of ours , fall short , and gives the story  such twists and turns , to finally reveal the murderer, we would have rarely gussed.
A rattling story indeed.I was really shocked to see the reaction of Hastings towards his Old friend , Poirot , on realising his love for Cinderella.
The methods of Poirot are amazing.His memory, his thought process, everything will leave you awestruck.An extraordinary  work of fiction.It will keep your eyes dug in the book.Here you are deciding on the possibility and there Christie quickly turns your idea upside down.And you stand shocked,breathing heavily , your eyes running through the words in the book. Curiosity reaches the epitome but you stay , keep moving, anxiously for the secret to be revealed.
It will give you an adrenaline rush,leaving all the possibilities behind  and in the end making you stand open mouthed,and wonder struck at the final reveal.

Guys , you must , definitely, read this gem.Christie uses an amazing style.Building a tempo and giving a bam in the face reveal in the end.

If you are someone, who loves holding your breath in crime thrillers,then this book must be given a shot.

RATING- I will give this piece a 4.5/5.

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