This is an open letter to all those Male Chauvinist pigs, who leave no stone unturned to make this world no better than hell for the opposite sex.
First of all, Hello to you guys. If you are a male chauvinist you may feel pretty offended while reading it.
Never you mind, it's just a dexterous reply to all your villifying works towards us.
Basically you guys are adroit enough at keeping women under your feet. You think that's the best shelf for women to be placed.

You are an egomaniac psychopath. The only goal of your life is to crush women under your feet and make them feel that they are inferior to you. You have got those 101 ways to make  women feel ashamed of themselves  on being a woman. You guys do what not in the name of social norms to keep women  jailed inside those four walls.

According to you -
- Women should neither give suggestions nor speak their minds, because they are subordinate to you.Right?

-Women should not be independent and earn their money because you want them to beg in front of you for every little need of hers and her family.

-Men are the Lords of women in the form of a Father, a Brother, a Husband.

-You have every right to use  or treat a women the way you like.

-Women should not argue with a man and  if they do so, they should be rebuked , even beaten till death.

- A woman should not  be as educated as her husband and shouldn't work after marriage .And if by your grace  you allow her to work, she shouldn't earn as much as you do.Your so called ego, right?

-Women should not wear short clothes,skirts and jeans.And if we do so you have every right to rape us because according to you we become sluts and whores for you.

-And yeah, a recent addition.Cell phones should be banned for women , because this would create a nuisance. Seriously?

The list is endless.You are a misogynist .You simply hate women folks.But you forget being one when you have to use a women for satisfying your pleasures.You don't like us to shop , get a new haircut,look good, because you are  worried about our so called safety. Right?
You harass women physically,mentally, verbally and emotionally.When you can't exercise your control on the women folks , you feel angry. You feel dejected when you have a female boss. You feel really bad when you see a woman gaining appreciation for her hard work.You feel like killing  the women in those high positions.You want to scare the lights out of us.You hate the women,who fight for their rights.

So, this is my little message for you.Read on if you have the guts.
You have got glut ways to make the atmosphere uncomfortable for us.

Please  don't forget that it was a woman , who brought you in this world, so that you could become a pedagogue of chauvinism.

Why don't you realize that it is the women around you who makes you comfortable. She is the  one who helps you and stands by you despite of you being a jack ass.

Just remember guys,whatever you do or think about us , we don't care . You try to bury us in the ground , and there we will reach the sky.We  take our freedom with utmost gravity.

Why do you guys forget that God created us both equal? Why do you forget that despite being the epitome of strength , we submit to you.That's just because we don't  hate you, we don't want to eradicate you from this world . And why should we? You too have the right to live,and so do we.

We seriously want you to shun your anti humanitarian behavior  and help us bloom in this already so suffocating world.And yeah, don't be mistaken.we can and will do that even without you.We will do what we want to.We will study , work , love and live.We will wear whatever we want to  or not wear anything at all.It's our life and our choice.To hell with the shit in your minds!

Why can't  you be  a genteel, chivalrous person? Why don't you built a salutary environment for us.You really need to get your psychoanalysis done.With our development lies yours, because you are a part of us.Stop  lampooning us for competing with you.We don't deserve that.
Instead of pissing us off , why not make us feel like a woman.

You are afraid that we will take your niche.No ways.We are least interested because we are unique.

You can't be like us , for sure.And we are not female chauvinists,please make a note of that.
Please for God's sake, try changing your mindsets. Try making this world comfortable for us.Pass the legacy of respecting women to your sons.Teach them to respect women.

It doesn't matter if she is a CEO, your boss, your wife or  a rag-picker. You got to respect her.She was made weak physically to be taken care by you.But she isn't a drop weak  mentally or emotionally.

Please guys , it is time to make a move towards change.Change your minds,your hearts, change your ways of looking at us.Change, for making this world a better place.



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